Location: Garabito, Puntarenas

Construction Area: 450 m²


About the project

Designed specifically for South American expatriates living in Costa Rica, the property features a 45-degree slope.

The project was conceptualized in several levels following the slope of the lot, adapting to its topography.

The design extends over four floors, allowing the property to climb the slope passively and achieve optimal heights so that the ocean view is nearly direct from all areas of the house.

The main facade of Casa Aurora provides a diverse range of experiences, starting with an infinity pool on the third level where the water cascades down the facade and appears to irrigate the plants on the planter that covers the garage. A large "L" shaped structure offers hierarchy, inviting entry into the house while serving as a cover and balcony for various levels of the home.

One of the most important features is that the pool is located on the third level to maximize the view. Similarly, on the fourth level, all bedrooms have access to a balcony to enjoy the sea view and sunsets.