
CMAS has more than 17 years of experience in Project Design and Construction. We specialize in customized residential projects and also design and build Commercial and Tourist projects. Learn more about everything CMAS has to offer.

Design of Preliminary Projects and Final Plans

We offer extensive experience in Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Design, and Topography. With us, if you only want to contract this stage and build later, you can do so.

Construction budgets

Need a budget for your project? We can gladly quote the service. Our extensive database and constant feedback on projects in progress allows us to provide you with an accurate calculation.

Construction Work

Servicios CMAS - Construcción de Obra

We offer the following modalities: Turnkey/All Inclusive, Site Management, Inspection, Technical Management.

Construction Modalities


We are experts in building and we help you with a package that includes everything seen in plans, with the advantage that you can choose all finishes within a range of possibilities.

Administración de Obra

In this modality we charge the minimum fee of 5% on the estimated value of the work in accordance with the CFIA, to manage your project. Together we make decisions according to an established budget and schedule, with the advantage that we manage the logistics of the project for you.


In this modality we charge the minimum fee of 3% of the estimated value of the work in accordance with the CFIA, for inspecting your project. The inspection service is provided through periodic visits to the site by the professional, in agreement with the client. It does not imply a constant permanence or professional residence. In those cases where the client requests a resident professional to carry out inspection work, the service must be subject to a special contract, and independent of the professional fee indicated in the tariff.

Technical Supervision

If you already have a contractor for your project, we offer our extensive experience in design and construction to help you control the processes, times and quality of the work, so that they comply with what is established in the plans and to obtain a quality product in accordance with construction regulations.


Our Turnkey philosophy is based on understanding the customer's needs and that is why we provide them with the flexibility in decision making.

• We do not impose ideas, we accompany our clients with tools and advice so that they can make important decisions.

• By offering a comprehensive solution from design to construction, information flows better and errors are minimized. Coordination between engineers and architects, designers and builders is facilitated.
información fluye de mejor forma y los errores se minimizan. La coordinación entre ingenieros y arquitectos diseñadores y constructores se facilita.

• Our turnkey construction package simplifies your project by offering you an all-inclusive option, but with the flexibility to choose the finishes for your project.

We know what we're doing

We were born designing and building; therefore, we know the materials and costs market in detail. We don't just make great designs, we make them buildable.
We are passionate about Architecture and Engineering, that inspires us to give our best.
At CMAS we offer the necessary services to facilitate decision-making.
We have had two great formations: the University and the street. The best of both worlds allows us to make realistic and sound decisions.

We know what it costs

Our extensive construction experience feeds us day by day to design projects that cost what the client has budgeted and that do not remain only in their dreams.
We plan our trip together with the client, a good plan saves us additional costs during execution.
in 3 dimensions, know how much it will cost and how long it will take to build, all without having started construction!!! Incredible isn’t it?

We continuously innovate

We are at the forefront in the use of 3D modeling, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality software that allows us to create realistic models that the client can understand perfectly to make intelligent decisions and not decisions in construction that cost money.